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Regional activities

Provincial Affiliates

As a national association, the CHA works collectively with our network of unique provincial affiliates to tackle regional advocacy and advance hydrogen projects and policy in each province.


Hydrogen BC

Hydrogen BC (H2BC) is the CHA’s provincial affiliate in British Columbia. Established with the support of the BC Government, Hydrogen BC supports the scale-up and adoption of hydrogen and hydrogen technologies such as fuel cells, across the province. In addition, Hydrogen BC works to ensure the continuous growth of British Columbia’s sector by sharing best practices developed in Canada and abroad while working with other industries to forecast demand for low-carbon hydrogen in the province.

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Hydrogen Alberta

Hydrogen Alberta (H2AB) is the Canadian Hydrogen Association’s regional affiliate in Alberta and is mandated to support and promote the adoption of hydrogen energy and hydrogen technologies in the province. In collaboration with government and research stakeholders, the affiliate works to maximize the opportunity for Albertan companies to participate in the economic opportunity afforded by the deployment of hydrogen and fuel cells.

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Hydrogen Ontario

Hydrogen Ontario (H2ON) is the Canadian Hydrogen Association’s provincial affiliate in Ontario. It is dedicated to sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration and advocating on behalf of the sector. The affiliate’s mission is to leverage the tremendous economic opportunities for hydrogen in the province – a $10 B market by 2050 which is ¼ of the total projected market in Canada.

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